
"사용법"의 두 판 사이의 차이


(새 문서: {{TNT|PD Help Page}} : <!--T:1-->You can format your text by using wiki markup. This consists of normal characters like asterisks, apostrophes or equalsigns which have a special funct...)
(차이 없음)

2018년 8월 9일 (목) 15:01 판

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You can format your text by using wiki markup. This consists of normal characters like asterisks, apostrophes or equalsigns which have a special function in the wiki, sometimes depending on their position. For example, to format a word in italic, you include it in two pairs of apostrophes like <em>this</em>.

1 Text formatting markup[편집]

Description You type You get
Character (inline) formatting – applies anywhere
Italic text
<br class="mw_emptyline"><em><translate><!--T:8--> italic</translate></em><br class="mw_emptyline">
Bold text
<br class="mw_emptyline"><strong><translate><!--T:11--> bold</translate></strong><br class="mw_emptyline">
Bold and italic
<br class="mw_emptyline"><em><strong><translate><!--T:14--> bold & italic</translate></strong></em><br class="mw_emptyline">
bold & italic
Escape wiki markup
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:20--> no <em>markup</em></translate><br class="mw_emptyline">
no <em>markup</em>
Section formatting – only at the beginning of the line
Section Headings of different levels
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate>== Level 2 == <!--T:26--><br class="mw_emptyline_first">=== Level 3 === <!--T:27--><br class="mw_emptyline_first">==== Level 4 ==== <!--T:28--><br class="mw_emptyline_first">===== Level 5 ===== <!--T:29--><br class="mw_emptyline_first">====== Level 6 ====== <!--T:30--><br class="mw_emptyline"></translate><br class="mw_emptyline">


2 Level 2[편집]

2.1 Level 3[편집]

2.1.1 Level 4[편집] Level 5[편집] Level 6[편집]
Horizontal rule
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:41--> Text before</translate><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><hr><translate><!--T:42--> Text after</translate><br class="mw_emptyline">
Text before

Text after
Bullet list
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:46--><ul><li>Start each line</li><li>with an [[Wikipedia:asterisk|asterisk]] (*).<ul><li>More asterisks give deeper<ul><li>and deeper levels.</li></ul></li></ul></li><li>Line breaks <br>don't break levels.<ul><li><ul><li>But jumping levels creates empty space.<br class="mw_emptyline">Any other start ends the list.</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:160--><ul><li>combine bullet list<ul><li>with definition </li></ul><blockquote>- definition</blockquote><ul><li>creates empty space</li></ul></li></ul><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:161--><ul><li>combine bullet list<ul><li>with definition <br>- definition<ul><li>without empty spaces</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:162--><ul><li>bullet list</li></ul><blockquote>- definition<ul><li>sublist that doesn't create empty</li><li>spaces after definition<br class="mw_emptyline"><br class="mw_emptyline"></li></ul></blockquote></translate>
  • Start each line
  • with an asterisk (*).
    • More asterisks give deeper
      • and deeper levels.
  • Line breaks
    don't break levels.*
      • But jumping levels creates empty space.
        Any other start ends the list.
  • combine bullet list
    • with definition
    - definition*
    • creates empty space
  • combine bullet list
    • with definition
      - definition**
      • without empty spaces
  • bullet list
- definition
  • sublist that doesn't create empty
  • spaces after definition
Numbered list
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:49--><ol><li>Start each line</li><li>with a [[Wikipedia:Number_sign|number sign]] (#).<ol><li>More number signs give deeper<ol><li>and deeper</li><li>levels.</li></ol></li></ol></li><li>Line breaks <br>don't break levels.<ol><li><ol><li>But jumping levels creates empty space.</li></ol></li></ol></li><li>Blank lines</li></ol><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:50--><ol><li>end the list and start another.<br class="mw_emptyline">Any other start also<br class="mw_emptyline">ends the list.<br class="mw_emptyline"><br class="mw_emptyline"></li></ol></translate>
  1. Start each line
  2. with a number sign (#).
    1. More number signs give deeper
      1. and deeper
      2. levels.
  3. Line breaks
    don't break levels.#
      1. But jumping levels creates empty space.
  4. Blank lines
  1. end the list and start another.
    Any other start also
    ends the list.
Definition list
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:54--><dl><dt>item 1</dt></dl><blockquote>definition 1</blockquote><dl><dt>item 2</dt></dl><blockquote>definition 2-1</blockquote><blockquote>definition 2-2<br class="mw_emptyline"><br class="mw_emptyline"></blockquote></translate>
item 1
definition 1
item 2
definition 2-1
definition 2-2
Indent text
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:57--><blockquote>Single indent<blockquote>Double indent<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>Multiple indent<br class="mw_emptyline"><br class="mw_emptyline"></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></translate>


Single indent
Double indent
Multiple indent
Mixture of different types of list
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:61--><ol><li>one</li><li>two<ul><li>two point one</li><li>two point two</li></ul></li><li>three<dl><dt>three item one<br>three def one<li>four<br>four def one<br>this looks like a continuation<br>and is often used<br>instead <br>of <br></li><li>five<ol><li>five sub 1<ol><li>five sub 1 sub 1</li></ol></li><li>five sub 2<br class="mw_emptyline"><br class="mw_emptyline"></li></ol></li></dt></dl></li></ol></translate>


  1. one
  2. two
    • two point one
    • two point two
  3. three
    three item one
    three def one#;
    four def one
    this looks like a continuation
    and is often used
    of #; <br>
    1. five sub 1
      1. five sub 1 sub 1
    1. five sub 2틀:Anchor
Preformatted text
<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><br class="mw_emptyline"> <!--T:65--><br class="mw_emptyline">Start each line with a space.<br class="mw_emptyline"> Text is <strong>preformatted</strong> and<br class="mw_emptyline"> <em>markups</em> <em><strong>can</strong></em> be done.<br class="mw_emptyline"></translate><br class="mw_emptyline">


Start each line with a space.
Text is preformatted and
markups can be done.
Preformatted text blocks
 <translate><!--T:69--><br class="mw_emptyline"><nowiki>Start with a space in the first column,<br class="mw_emptyline">(before the <nowiki>).<br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:70--><br class="mw_emptyline">Then your block format will be<br class="mw_emptyline">    maintained. <br class="mw_emptyline_first">This is good for copying in code blocks:<br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:71--><br class="mw_emptyline">def function():<br class="mw_emptyline">    """documentation string"""<br class="mw_emptyline_first">    <!--T:72--><br class="mw_emptyline">if True:        print True<br class="mw_emptyline">    else:        print False</nowiki></nowiki></translate><br class="mw_emptyline">
Start with a space in the first column,<br class="mw_emptyline">(before the <nowiki>).<br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:74--><br class="mw_emptyline">Then your block format will be<br class="mw_emptyline"> maintained.<br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:75--><br class="mw_emptyline">This is good for copying in code blocks:<br class="mw_emptyline_first"><!--T:76--><br class="mw_emptyline">def function():<br class="mw_emptyline"> """documentation string"""<br class="mw_emptyline_first"> <!--T:77--><br class="mw_emptyline">if True: print True<br class="mw_emptyline"> else: print False

3 Paragraphs[편집]

MediaWiki ignores single line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can force a line break within a paragraph with the HTML tag

4 HTML tags[편집]

Some HTML tags are allowed in MediaWiki, for example ,
, and <span></span>. These apply anywhere you insert them.
Description You type You get
(Displays as underline in most browsers)
<br class="mw_emptyline"><ins><translate><!--T:86--> Inserted</translate></ins><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><translate><!--T:87--> or</translate><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><u><translate><!--T:88--> Underline</translate></u><br class="mw_emptyline">


(Displays as strikethrough in most browsers)
<br class="mw_emptyline"><s><translate><!--T:93--> Struck out</translate></s><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><translate><!--T:94--> or</translate><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><del><translate><!--T:95--> Deleted</translate></del><br class="mw_emptyline_first">
Struck out


Fixed width text
<br class="mw_emptyline"><code><translate><!--T:100--> Source code</translate></code><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><translate><!--T:101--> or</translate><br class="mw_emptyline_first"><code><translate><!--T:157--> Fixed width text</translate></code><br class="mw_emptyline">
Source code

Fixed width text

<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:105--> Text before</translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><blockquote><translate><!--T:106--> Blockquote</translate></blockquote><br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:107--> Text after</translate><br class="mw_emptyline">
Text before
Text after
<q><translate>This is a quotation</translate></q>


This is a quotation
<translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:112--><br class="mw_emptyline"><!-- This is a comment --><br class="mw_emptyline">Comments are visible only <br class="mw_emptyline">in the edit zone.<br class="mw_emptyline"></translate>
Comments are visible only
in the edit zone.
Completely preformatted text
<br class="mw_emptyline">
<pre><translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:115-->Text is <strong>preformatted</strong> and <br class="mw_emptyline"><em>markups</em> <em><strong>cannot</strong></em> be done



<translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:117-->Text is <strong>preformatted</strong> and <br class="mw_emptyline"><em>markups</em> <em><strong>cannot</strong></em> be done<br class="mw_emptyline"></translate>
Customized preformatted text
<br class="mw_emptyline">
<pre style="color: red"><translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:119-->Text is <strong>preformatted</strong> <br class="mw_emptyline">with a style and <br class="mw_emptyline"><em>markups</em> <em><strong>cannot</strong></em> be done<br class="mw_emptyline">



<translate><br class="mw_emptyline"><!--T:121-->Text is <strong>preformatted</strong> <br class="mw_emptyline">with a style and <br class="mw_emptyline"><em>markups</em> <em><strong>cannot</strong></em> be done<br class="mw_emptyline"></translate>
Description You type You get
Default preformatted text has a CSS attribute (white-space: pre-wrap;) to wrap the text according to available width
<br class="mw_emptyline">
<pre><br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:127--> This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.</translate><br class="mw_emptyline">

<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:128--> This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.</translate><br class="mw_emptyline">
Customized preformatted text with disabled text wrapping
<br class="mw_emptyline">
<pre style="white-space: pre;"><br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:130--> This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.</translate><br class="mw_emptyline">

<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:131--> This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.</translate><br class="mw_emptyline">

5 Inserting symbols[편집]

Symbols and other special characters not available on your keyboard can be inserted in a multitude of ways. Many Operating Systems and browsers allow you to insert special characters through a menu option or Operating System panel. Additionally, you can use the WikiEditor or VisualEditor to insert them into the edit screen.
As a last resort, you can use a special sequence of characters. Those sequences are called HTML entities. For example, the following sequence (entity) when inserted will be shown as right arrow HTML symbol → and when inserted will be shown as an em dash HTML symbol—.


HTML symbol entities
<span title="&Aacute;">Á <span title="&aacute;">á <span title="&Acirc;">Â <span title="&acirc;">â <span title="&acute;">´ <span title="&AElig;">Æ <span title="&aelig;">æ <span title="&Agrave;">À <span title="&agrave;">à <span title="&alefsym;">ℵ <span title="&Alpha;">Α <span title="&alpha;">α <span title="&amp;">& <span title="&and;">∧ <span title="&ang;">∠ <span title="&Aring;">Å <span title="&aring;">å <span title="&asymp;">≈ <span title="&Atilde;">Ã <span title="&atilde;">ã <span title="&Auml;">Ä <span title="&auml;">ä <span title="&bdquo;">„ <span title="&Beta;">Β <span title="&beta;">β <span title="&brvbar;">¦ <span title="&bull;">• <span title="&cap;">∩ <span title="&Ccedil;">Ç <span title="&ccedil;">ç <span title="&cedil;">¸ <span title="&cent;">¢
<span title="&Chi;">Χ <span title="&chi;">χ <span title="&circ;">ˆ <span title="&clubs;">♣ <span title="&cong;">≅ <span title="&copy;">© <span title="&crarr;">↵ <span title="&cup;">∪ <span title="&curren;">¤ <span title="&dagger;">† <span title="&Dagger;">‡ <span title="&darr;">↓ <span title="&dArr;">⇓ <span title="&deg;">° <span title="&Delta;">Δ <span title="&delta;">δ <span title="&diams;">♦ <span title="&divide;">÷ <span title="&Eacute;">É <span title="&eacute;">é <span title="&Ecirc;">Ê <span title="&ecirc;">ê <span title="&Egrave;">È <span title="&egrave;">è <span title="&empty;">∅ <span title="&emsp;">  <span title="&ensp;">  <span title="&Epsilon;">Ε <span title="&epsilon;">ε <span title="&equiv;">≡ <span title="&Eta;">Η <span title="&eta;">η
<span title="&ETH;">Ð <span title="&eth;">ð <span title="&Euml;">Ë <span title="&euml;">ë <span title="&euro;">€ <span title="&exist;">∃ <span title="&fnof;">ƒ <span title="&forall;">∀ <span title="&frac12;">½ <span title="&frac14;">¼ <span title="&frac34;">¾ <span title="&frasl;">⁄ <span title="&Gamma;">Γ <span title="&gamma;">γ <span title="&ge;">≥ <span title="&gt;">> <span title="&harr;">↔ <span title="&hArr;">⇔ <span title="&hearts;">♥ <span title="&hellip;">… <span title="&Iacute;">Í <span title="&iacute;">í <span title="&Icirc;">Î <span title="&icirc;">î <span title="&iexcl;">¡ <span title="&Igrave;">Ì <span title="&igrave;">ì <span title="&image;">ℑ <span title="&infin;">∞ <span title="&int;">∫ <span title="&Iota;">Ι <span title="&iota;">ι
<span title="&iquest;">¿ <span title="&isin;">∈ <span title="&Iuml;">Ï <span title="&iuml;">ï <span title="&Kappa;">Κ <span title="&kappa;">κ <span title="&Lambda;">Λ <span title="&lambda;">λ <span title="&lang;">⟨ <span title="&laquo;">« <span title="&larr;">← <span title="&lArr;">⇐ <span title="&lceil;">⌈ <span title="&ldquo;">“ <span title="&le;">≤ <span title="&lfloor;">⌊ <span title="&lowast;">∗ <span title="&loz;">◊ <span title="&lrm;">‎ <span title="&lsaquo;">‹ <span title="&lsquo;">‘ <span title="&lt;">< <span title="&macr;">¯ <span title="&mdash;">— <span title="&micro;">µ <span title="&middot;">· <span title="&minus;">− <span title="&Mu;">Μ <span title="&mu;">μ <span title="&nabla;">∇ <span title="&nbsp;"> <span title="&ndash;">–
<span title="&ne;">≠ <span title="&ni;">∋ <span title="&not;">¬ <span title="&notin;">∉ <span title="&nsub;">⊄ <span title="&Ntilde;">Ñ <span title="&ntilde;">ñ <span title="&Nu;">Ν <span title="&nu;">ν <span title="&Oacute;">Ó <span title="&oacute;">ó <span title="&Ocirc;">Ô <span title="&ocirc;">ô <span title="&OElig;">Œ <span title="&oelig;">œ <span title="&Ograve;">Ò <span title="&ograve;">ò <span title="&oline;">‾ <span title="&Omega;">Ω <span title="&omega;">ω <span title="&Omicron;">Ο <span title="&omicron;">ο <span title="&oplus;">⊕ <span title="&or;">∨ <span title="&ordf;">ª <span title="&ordm;">º <span title="&Oslash;">Ø <span title="&oslash;">ø <span title="&Otilde;">Õ <span title="&otilde;">õ <span title="&otimes;">⊗ <span title="&Ouml;">Ö
<span title="&ouml;">ö <span title="&para;">¶ <span title="&part;">∂ <span title="&permil;">‰ <span title="&perp;">⊥ <span title="&Phi;">Φ <span title="&phi;">φ <span title="&Pi;">Π <span title="&pi;">π <span title="&piv;">ϖ <span title="&plusmn;">± <span title="&pound;">£ <span title="&prime;">′ <span title="&Prime;">″ <span title="&prod;">∏ <span title="&prop;">∝ <span title="&Psi;">Ψ <span title="&psi;">ψ <span title="&quot;">" <span title="&radic;">√ <span title="&rang;">⟩ <span title="&raquo;">» <span title="&rarr;">→ <span title="&rArr;">⇒ <span title="&rceil;">⌉ <span title="&rdquo;">” <span title="&real;">ℜ <span title="&reg;">® <span title="&rfloor;">⌋ <span title="&Rho;">Ρ <span title="&rho;">ρ <span title="&rlm;">‏
<span title="&rsaquo;">› <span title="&rsquo;">’ <span title="&sbquo;">‚ <span title="&Scaron;">Š <span title="&scaron;">š <span title="&sdot;">⋅ <span title="&sect;">§ <span title="&shy;">­ <span title="&Sigma;">Σ <span title="&sigma;">σ <span title="&sigmaf;">ς <span title="&sim;">∼ <span title="&spades;">♠ <span title="&sub;">⊂ <span title="&sube;">⊆ <span title="&sum;">∑ <span title="&sup;">⊃ <span title="&sup1;">¹ <span title="&sup2;">² <span title="&sup3;">³ <span title="&supe;">⊇ <span title="&szlig;">ß <span title="&Tau;">Τ <span title="&tau;">τ <span title="&there4;">∴ <span title="&Theta;">Θ <span title="&theta;">θ <span title="&thetasym;">ϑ <span title="&thinsp;">  <span title="&THORN;">Þ <span title="&thorn;">þ <span title="&tilde;">˜
<span title="&times;">× <span title="&trade;">™ <span title="&Uacute;">Ú <span title="&uacute;">ú <span title="&uarr;">↑ <span title="&uArr;">⇑ <span title="&Ucirc;">Û <span title="&ucirc;">û <span title="&Ugrave;">Ù <span title="&ugrave;">ù <span title="&uml;">¨ <span title="&upsih;">ϒ <span title="&Upsilon;">Υ <span title="&upsilon;">υ <span title="&Uuml;">Ü <span title="&uuml;">ü <span title="&weierp;">℘ <span title="&Xi;">Ξ <span title="&xi;">ξ <span title="&Yacute;">Ý <span title="&yacute;">ý <span title="&yen;">¥ <span title="&yuml;">ÿ <span title="&Yuml;">Ÿ <span title="&Zeta;">Ζ <span title="&zeta;">ζ <span title="&zwj;">‍ <span title="&zwnj;">‌

Description You type You get
Copyright symbol ©
Greek delta letter symbol δ
Euro currency symbol
See the list of all HTML entities on the Wikipedia article List of HTML entities. Additionally, MediaWiki supports two non-standard entity reference sequences: and which are both considered equivalent to which is a right-to-left mark. (Used when combining right to left languages with left to right languages in the same page.)

6 HTML tags and symbol entities displayed themselves (with and without interpreting them)[편집]

Typo to be corrected Typo to be corrected
<span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected Typo to be corrected=== Nowiki for HTML ===
<nowiki /> <translate><!--T:147--> can prohibit (HTML) tags:</translate><ul><li><nowiki><<nowiki />pre> → <pre><br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:148--> But <em>not</em> & symbol escapes:</translate>
&<nowiki />amp; </span><span class="mw_htmlentity">→ &<br class="mw_emptyline"><translate><!--T:149--><br class="mw_emptyline">To print & symbol escapes as text, use "<code>&</code>" to replace the "&" character (eg. type "<code>&nbsp;</code>", which results in "<code> </code>").</translate>

7 Other formatting[편집]

Beyond the text formatting markup shown hereinbefore, here are some other formatting references:
  • [[<tvar|lists>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Lists|Lists]]</tvar|lists>
  • 틀:Ll
  • References - see [[<tvar|citephp>Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Cite/Cite.php|Extension:Cite/Cite.php]]</tvar|citephp>
  • [[<tvar|tables>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Tables|Tables]]</tvar|tables>
You can find more references at [[<tvar|help-contents>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Contents|Help:Contents]]</tvar|help-contents>.