


DBCAFE (토론 | 기여)님의 2018년 11월 14일 (수) 13:23 판
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V$SQL_MONITOR는 Oracle에 의해 실행이 모니터링되었거나 모니터링중인 SQL 문을 표시합니다. SQL 문 실행을 모니터링 할 때마다 V$SQL_MONITOR에 항목이 작성됩니다. SQL 모니터링은 SQL 문이 병렬로 실행되거나 CPU 또는 I / O 시간이 최소 5 초 이상 소요될 때 자동으로 시작됩니다. 모니터링중인 SQL 문이 실행 중일 때 V$SQL_MONITOR의 통계는 일반적으로 1 초에 한 번씩 거의 실시간으로 새로 고쳐집니다. 실행이 끝나면 모니터링 정보는 즉시 삭제되지 않습니다. 대신 V$SQL_MONITOR에 적어도 1 분 동안 보관됩니다. 새 문장이 모니터 될 때 엔트리는 결국 공간을 되찾기 위해 삭제됩니다.

Column Datatype Description
KEY NUMBER Artificial join key to efficiently join V$SQL_MONITOR with its corresponding plan level monitoring statistics stored in V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR
STATUS VARCHAR2(19) SQL execution status:

EXECUTING - SQL statement is still executing

DONE (ERROR) - Execution terminated with an error

DONE (FIRST N ROWS) - Execution terminated by the application before all rows were fetched

DONE (ALL ROWS) - Execution terminated and all rows were fetched

DONE - Execution terminated (parallel execution)

FIRST_REFRESH_TIME DATE Time when monitoring of the SQL statement started, generally a few seconds after execution start time
LAST_REFRESH_TIME DATE Time when statistics in V$SQL_MONITOR were last updated for the SQL statement. Statistics are generally refreshed every second when the statement executes.
REFRESH_COUNT NUMBER Number of times V$SQL_MONITOR statistics have been refreshed (generally once every second when the SQL statement executes)
SID NUMBER Session identifier executing (or having executed) the SQL statement being monitored
PROCESS_NAME VARCHAR2(5) Process name identifier executing (or having executed)the statement; ora if the process is foreground, else the background process name (for example, p001 for PX server p001)
SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) SQL identifier of the statement being monitored
SQL_EXEC_START DATE Time when the execution started
SQL_EXEC_ID NUMBER Execution identifier. Together, the three columns SQL_ID, SQL_EXEC_START, and SQL_EXEC_ID represent the execution key. The execution key is used to uniquely identify one execution of the SQL statement.
SQL_CHILD_ADDRESS 8) Address of the child cursor (can be used with SQL_ID to join with V$SQL)
SESSION_SERIAL# NUMBER Session serial number executing the statement being monitored
PX_SERVER# NUMBER Logical parallel execution server process number executing (or having executed) the statement being monitored; NULL if this monitoring entry is not associated with an execution server. This is a logical number within the parallel server set (see SERVER# in V$PX_SESSION).
PX_SERVER_GROUP NUMBER Logical parallel execution server group number to which PX_SERVER# belongs (see SERVER_GROUP in V$PX_SESSION); NULL if this monitoring entry is not associated with a parallel execution server. This value is generally 1 unless the SQL statement has one or more parallel sub-queries.
PX_SERVER_SET NUMBER Number (1 or 2) of the logical set of parallel execution servers to which PX_SERVER# belongs (see SERVER_SET in V$PX_SESSION); NULL if this monitoring entry is not associated with a parallel execution server
PX_QCINST_ID NUMBER Instance identifier where the parallel execution coordinator runs; NULL if PX_SERVER# is NULL
PX_QCSID NUMBER Session identifier for the parallel execution coordinator; NULL if PX_SERVER# is NULL
ELAPSED_TIME NUMBER Elapsed time (in microseconds); updated as the statement executes
CPU_TIME NUMBER CPU time (in microseconds); updated as the statement executes
FETCHES NUMBER Number of fetches associated with the SQL statement; updated as the statement executes
BUFFER_GETS NUMBER Number of buffer get operations; updated as the statement executes
DISK_READS NUMBER Number of disk reads; updated as the statement executes
DIRECT_WRITES NUMBER Number of direct writes; updated as the statement executes
APPLICATION_WAIT_TIME NUMBER Application wait time (in microseconds); updated as the statement executes
CONCURRENCY_WAIT_TIME NUMBER Concurrency wait time (in microseconds); updated as the statement executes
CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME NUMBER Cluster wait time (in microseconds); updated as the statement executes
USER_IO_WAIT_TIME NUMBER User I/O Wait Time (in microseconds); updated as the statement executes
PLSQL_EXEC_TIME NUMBER PL/SQL execution time (in microseconds); updated as the statement executes
JAVA_EXEC_TIME NUMBER Java execution time (in microseconds); updated as the statement executes