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Autoit ControlSend()


ControlSend("[TITLE:Shell]", "", "x", "{F2}{2}{F2}")

ID - The internal control ID. The Control ID is the internal numeric identifier that windows gives to each control. It is generally the best method of identifying controls. In addition to the AutoIt Window Info Tool, other applications such as screen readers for the blind and Microsoft tools/APIs may allow you to get this Control ID

   TEXT - The text on a control, for example "&Next" on a button
   CLASS - The internal control classname such as "Edit" or "Button"
   CLASSNN - The ClassnameNN value as used in previous versions of AutoIt, such as "Edit1"
   NAME - The internal .NET Framework WinForms name (if available)
   REGEXPCLASS - Control classname using a regular expression
   INSTANCE - The 1-based instance when all given properties match.