
오라클 데이터 유형 체크


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  • 12c 추가된 기능

1 데이터 유형 Vailidation 체크[편집]

1.1 validate_conversion 함수[편집]

  • 체크 유형
 - binary_double
 - binary_float
 - date
 - interval day to second
 - interval year to month
 - number
 - timestamp
 - timestamp with time zone

with tb_a as(
          select 1 , '01/01/2016' is_this_a_date from dual
union all select 2 , 'abc'  from dual 
union all select 3 , '20150101'  from dual
union all select 3 , '01-jan-2016'  from dual

select t.*
  from tb_a t
 where validate_conversion(is_this_a_date as date) = 1;

1.2 cast 함수[편집]

  • 12c 개선
select cast (
         'not a date' as date
         default date'0001-01-01' on conversion error
       ) dt
from   dual;

-- NLS  에러시 
select cast (
         '01012010' as date
         default '01010001' on conversion error,
       ) dt
from   dual;