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The Sun is pretty big.[1] The Moon, however, is not so big.[2]

1 Notes[편집]

  1. E. Miller, The Sun, (New York: Academic Press, 2005), 23-5.
  2. R. Smith, "Size of the Moon", Scientific American, 46 (April 1978): 44-6.

This is an example of multiple references to the same footnote.[1]

Such references are particularly useful when citing sources, if different statements come from the same source.[1] Any reused tag should not contain extra content, that will spawn an error. Only use empty tags in this role.

A concise way to make multiple references is to use empty ref tags, which have a slash at the end. Although this may reduce redundant work, please be aware that if a future editor removes the first reference, this will result in the loss of all references using the empty ref tags.[1]

2 Notes[편집]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Remember that when you refer to the same footnote multiple times, the text from the first reference is used.

This is an example of merging multiple texts into the same footnote.[1]

3 References[편집]

  1. Remember that all the texts will be included into the reference containing the name="…" attribute. Simply include the text to be merged into the first <ref name="…"> reference with a tag <ref follow="…">. This paragraph is included into a similar tag and it will be merged into the reference in former paragraph.