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How do I link to a thread? You can use the syntax Special:WikiForum/Thread title to link to a thread.

How can I search the forum? Forum pages have a search box. By entering a search term here, you can search all available forum threads for the given term. Do note that because the forum is a special page, Special:Search cannot be used to search it.

Can I embed a forum thread on a wiki page? Yes! You can do this with the <WikiForumThread> parser hook. You will need to know the thread ID number, which can be seen on the right side of the first post in the thread. Once you have it, embedding a thread with this parser hook is easy as pie:

스레드가 존재하지 않거나 삭제되었습니다. If you want to show replies to the thread, add the replies parameter:

스레드가 존재하지 않거나 삭제되었습니다. How can I show a list of the most recent forum threads? You can do this with the <WikiForumList> tag. By default it shows the 5 most recent forum threads; to change this, supply the num parameter:

<WikiForumList num=10>